Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Well today's post is going to be a little different.  I have progressed a bit on the heart design but I wanted to show some of my past finishes.

First up is Arizona Star, designed by Laura J. Perin, in reds and pinks with a green border.  I really like the design but the colors didn't speak to me so I changed them to a bright pallet.

Arizona Star
The second design is Odd Fellows Cross, also designed by Laura J. Perin.  I stayed true to the colors called for in the design but changed the border slightly.  This is one of my favorite designs by Laura so far.  I say so far because I have about 14 more of her designs kitted up and ready for stitching so another one may become my favorite. 

Odd Fellow Cross

Tomorrow I should be able to show the finished heart design and then frame it and send it on it's way to Texas.

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