Saturday, April 30, 2016

Halfway there.....................I am a little over hallway finished with Cobalt.

In my last post I talked a little about the vibrant blue Mandarin Floss, this photo shows the color better.

This photo shows my progress up to this point, a little over halfway finished.  I added a framing border using Watercolours 235.
This photo shows some of the stitches in the second quadrant.  The design stitches up fairly quickly and would be nice in other colorways as well.  You never know when I might stitch this design again with threads from my stash and different colors.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Progress report............................Today I worked on the center design making good progress.  One of the threads is Rainbow Gallery Mandarin Floss the color is M865 which is a really vibrant dark teal color.  Mandarin Floss is a 6 strand bamboo thread that you use just like Cotton Floss or stranded silk.  The color is really beautiful and accents the other blues nicely.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Here is Cobalt.......................Designed by Kathy Rees of Needle Delight Originals.  This is one of Kathy's designs that can be stitched four times to create a square for a pillow.

I started in the center in order to determine the placement of the lower quadrant of the design.  Unless a design specifies otherwise I always start in the center.  Just how I feel comfortable with stitching the design.

One of the stitches that I have previously been afraid of is the long arm cross.  This stitch is not difficult once you understand how to stitch it and the result is a really nice braid.  The second band below is a long arm cross.  The photo on the right is from the Mystery Class - Curios and shows the long arm cross in green, it may be easier to see than in the blue.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Mint with a Twist is finished...........................It's a stitching miracle, I finished the design in two days.  It helps that I had already stitched this design once so I was familiar with it and I didn't choose any cotton floss or stranded silk so no laying of threads.

Hopefully you can see how I rotated the orange square 180 degrees to create a different design.  The last row of the design is a series of small squares and even with two sections rotated you can follow the small squares all around the design.

I really like the contrast of the orange colors I choose. The camera washes out how vibrant the oranges really are.

In hindsight I wish I had chosen a Perle Cotton that had more contrast, the camera picks up on the pinks but in person the red squares are really red.  The pinks don't show as much in person.

Next project is another one of Kathy Rees' designs called Cobalt.  Tune in tomorrow for a look at the progress.

Monday, April 25, 2016

The new project is...........................Mint with a Twist.  When I stitched Mint by Kathy Rees of Needle Delights I noticed that the design is really in four quadrants.  Kathy has a couple of other designs that are in four quadrants and she rotates them for a completely different design.  Why not try doing that with Mint since it has four quadrants.

I wanted to use red and since orange is my favorite color include that also.  I choose Watercolours 221 for the red overdyed thread, Perle Cotton 666 for the solid red and Caron Snow for the red sparkle element.  For the orange I choose Watercolours 208 for the overdyed thread, Perle Cotton 908 and Threadworx #8 Braid 710710.  I began with the opposite red quadrants and then began with one of the orange quadrants.  I have no idea what this will actually look like but I like the idea of rotating some of the design to see what happens.

I included the original Mint finished design to show that it is in four quadrants and so you can hopefully get an idea of what I am going for.

This is a close up of one of the red quadrants in progress.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hide N Seek is finished...................The last stitch is placed and the project is finished.  The last squares are stitched and the striped border is also done. I'm glad to have this projected finished so I can start the next one.  Check in tomorrow and see what I have selected for my next project, it's a twist on a design I stitched previously.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Hide N Seek update.........................I didn't post my progress yesterday, it was a hard day and I was drained.  Now on the home stretch, just need to finish the Cotton floss in the corner square, stitch the remaining 3 smaller squares and finish the border.  I should still be on track to finish this weekend.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Moving along with Hide N Seek.............The canvas has been rotated, how exciting!!  Ok so not really but I did finish half the design so I rotated the canvas.  It is a sign of progress.

I finished half the striped border and started on the next set of squares.  My plan is to finish this weekend.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hide N Seek progress update.................................I had some extra time this weekend so I was able to move along nicely on Hide N Seek.  I'm almost half way at this point, will rotate the canvas in the next day or so.

The design calls for a black border however I decided to change the border to add color.  I like the striped border and decided to slant it towards the middle.  Not sure what I will do at the corners, maybe a solid color not sure yet.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Hide N Seek continues........................More progress on Hide N Seek, slowing laying the Cotton floss.  Yes I know a broken record.  Completed more of the checkerboard border and center squares.  I started on the outer border of smaller squares, once the bottom half is finished I will flip the canvas upside down and stitch the other half.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hide N Seek progress.......................I'm going to complain once again about laying Cotton floss or silk for that matter.  It is time consuming and not my favorite part of stitching.  I started the fourth diamond in the center and extended the checkerboard border.  This will be a very colorful design when completed.  I will post my next update on Friday, hopefully have more progress to show then.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Hide N Seek progress.....................I have more progress on Hide N Seek to show.  The laying of the Cotton floss is very time consuming, if I had been thinking I would have substituted Perle Cotton for all the Cotton floss and would be able to really jam through the project.

I'm always excited to start a new project and then I want to finish it so I can get to the next one.  Having so many counted canvas designs kitted up and waiting I could stitch the next couple of years without having to buy anything, not likely to happen.  Just recently I got 3 Dakota Rogers designs that will really be interesting to stitch.  Once Hide N Seek is finished I might pull thread for one of the Dakota Rogers designs, they're really different from what I usually stitch.


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Hide N Seek has begun.....................This is the start of the new project Hide N Seek by Laura J. Perin.  The design calls for several different colors of Cotton Floss which have to be layed.  Because I have to lay the stitches my progress is much slower so I will not post every day as I will not have as much to show.  I usually stitch fairly quickly however laying stitches slows me down and as a result the progress I show you is not that much each day.  Posting every other day for the duration of this project will hopefully show more progress and keep you from getting bored.

The very center is stitched with Caron Watercolour Cranberry and the green is Perle Cotton.  The two shades of orange are floss and that is what takes the longest to stitch.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Mystery Class - Area 6.............Area 6 is now finished and that's the end of the first lesson.  The center of the design is stitched with Vineyard Silk and Very Petite Velvet.  The contrast of threads looks really good in person, gives nice texture.  Well that's all for this month, I have to wait to May 1st for Lesson 2.

The new project is Color Study:  Hide N Seek by Laura J. Perin.  I received this pattern for Christmas 2014 so it's about time to stitch it.  I am drawn to earthtones and also bright colors, not so much the cooler color palettes.

Hide N Seek is stitched with a variety of Cotton Floss, Perle Cotton and 1 Caron Watercolour.  I spent my stitching time today cutting a piece of canvas, taping the edges, marking the center and mounting it on a frame.  Next I wound the floss on cardboard bobbins to prepare for stitching.  I always prepare the threads before starting a project.  The Watercolour and Perle Cotton skeins were cut and threaded onto Twitchetts then put on a binder ring.  This just helps organize the threads and keeps them from becoming a mess.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Area 4, 5 and 6..................I finished Area 4, the center thread does not contrast very much with the one on either side.  The overdyed color is subtle so it doesn't really stand out.  Some of the other colorways show more contrast.

Area 5 is a disappointment, the border is stitched with Perle cotton and Vineyard Silk however they are almost the same color so you can't tell they are different threads.  The center of the design is Waterlilies Silk and again the color is almost the same as the border.  Other colorways show a real contrast between the border and center.  Once the design is finished I will probably go and rip out the center design and replace it with something else in a contrasting color.

I began Area 6 today and is a border of Rhodes stitches in Gloriana Princess Perle Silk.  Princess Perle is a challenge to work with as it is very springy and at times seems alive.  Once you cut into the skein look out because it is all over the place.  I had a tangled mess to unravel and then cut into 1 yard lengths.  The color variation in the thread is very subtle so you really don't notice the color change.

If all goes to plan I will finish Area 6 tomorrow and then wait until May 1st for the next lesson and patterns.  The waiting is going to be difficult.  In the mean time I will start a new project, the question is what.  I'll get out all the kitted designs and see what inspires me or I may create my own design.  Tune in on Thursday to see what I've selected.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Mystery Class - First Lesson.........................The long awaited moment has arrived and the first lesson of the mystery class is available.  There are 35 areas in the design and each one has a different pattern.  The first photo shows my progress so far.

This is Area 1 which is stitched with a Watercolours borders that includes Very Petite Velvet crosses in the center of the boxes.  The center design is stitched in Vineyard silks, which of by the way are a joy to stitch with.

Area 2 has an interesting border of long arm crosses that when stitched looks like a woven braid, it is in Watercolours.  The center design is Vineyard Silk and Frosty Rays.

Area 3 is only a striped border so far, it is stitched in Vineyard Silks.  The center section is included in another lesson.  Kathy did indicate that the main design in this area is a Walneto stitch.

This photo is Area 4 which is still in progress.  The border is stitched in Watercolours and the lattice background is stitched with Petite Sparkle Rays.  The center section is stitched in Vineyard Silks and Watercolours.
  Lesson 1 includes Areas 5 and 6 also which I will work on and should be finished by Wednesday.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Curios Mystery Class has begun.........It's April 1st and the first lesson for the Shining Needles Society Mystery Class is now available.  I thought I would show the 25 threads that are used in the project.

This photo shows all the threads, Caron Watercolours, Vineyard Silk, Gloriana Silks, Waterlilies, Perle Cotton, and an assortment of Rainbow Gallery threads.
This photo shows Petite Very Velvet, Silk Lame Braid, Frosty Rays, Neon Rays, Petite Sparkle Rays, Spendors and Sparkling Neon Rays.  A total of 10 different Rainbow Gallery threads.

Here are 2 Perle Cottons, 1 Gloriana Silk Princess Perle, 1 Gloriana Duchess Silk and 1 Waterlilies.

These are the Caron Watercolours, Prickly Pear, Turmeric, Seaweed, Willow and Chardonnay.

Now are the Vineyard Silks.

This shot shows all the skeins opened and sorted on Twitchetts.  Twitchetts are the best for any stitching project.  It is so easy to sort, separate and handle your threads.  Can you tell I love them.  You can find Twitchetts on Terry's Dryden's website, try them and you will be hooked.  Tomorrow I will show the start of the design for this month.